Who I Am

Hey! My name is Ian. I'm currently working at Google as a Software Engineer. Currently trying to see what ML stuff I can make, and see what ideas I can get for future research. At this point, I am mostly trying to see what interesting things can be done with LLM Agents.

I've mostly been reading research papers on modern NLP and IR. However, I will always recommend "Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithms," by Shai Ben-David and Shai Shalev-Shwartz, as I love the theory in this book.

Besides that, I also enjoy doing a few side projects to try out different learning algorithms and technologies. I also like implementing different ML algorithms that I've read about, since I find this the best way to learn.


M.S. Machine Learning

  • Stevens Institute of Technology | Dec 2021 | GPA: 4.0/4.0

B.S. Computer Science

  • Stevens Institute of Technology | May 2021 | GPA: 3.93/4.0


In terms of technical subjects I'm super interested in most fields of Machine Learning. Some examples of my interest areas are:

  • NLP
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Knowledge Distillation

Overall I am pretty basic. Some random info about me is:

  • I love coding personal projects
  • I'm a boba fanatic
  • I love listening to RnB, K-pop, OPM.
  • I love food

Work Experience

  • SWE @ Google: 80% Ads 20% ML research.
  • SWE Intern @ Google: Working on ML work
  • Full-Stack Developer Intern @ IBM: Mostly working on DevOps